Woman of Excellence

2024 - Val Ferguson

Val was born and raised in Niagara Falls.  She joined The Club at North Halton as Val Mountford in 1981 so she could chase Don Ferguson around the golf course. He was a fast little fella and it took her 9 years to catch up to him and they wed in 1990.

I have known Val for 39 years and we have played together many, many times in Club Championships, Solheims and Tuesday games.  She always plays fair and by the rules.

She carries a retro putter over 50 years!  But it works!  And it was working today on the course. Val herself while not retro would be in the vintage category.  If you look vintage up some alternate words would be:  mature, ripe, classic and old.  But as wine drinkers know, some vintages are better than others.

As a volunteer Val's list is lengthy:
  • Last President in 2005 of the Women’s Section.
  • Women’s Captain in 2006/07/08.
  • Business Women’s Co-Captain for over 10 years.
  • Invitational Committee Convenor for 3 years.  During those 3 years as Convenor she was the top Angel in a Heaven theme (a bit of a stretch), a Ringmaster for a Circus theme (I can see that) and Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.
  • She has served on the Club’s Greens & Fairways Committee.
  • And Co-Chair of the Mixed Committee with Don for a number of years.
Her competitive record is just as impressive:
  • A flight champion in 1998, 2007/08/09/10/13.
  • B flight champion in 1992/94.
  • Senior A flight champion 2015/17/18/20/21
  • Doubles Champion (with Leslie Cutter) 
  • Langdon Champion with Don
  • Val has always been a big participant in the Women’s and Mixed events and has played in every Solheim being a Captain one year.
  • A regular participant in interclubs and member/guests.
  • She has had 3 holes in one!
  • Val has also competed outside the club in Provincial championships and the Toronto Star Amateur.
  • An avid curler for over 10 years at North Halton winning many events.
  • Outside the Club Val has given her time to volunteering for the Heart and Stroke Society and as a marker for 3 years at the Canadian Open.
I am not aware of anyone else who has given as much time volunteering and competing as Val and is so deserving of this award.

Let’s have a big hand for the 2024 Woman of Excellence, Val Ferguson!

Presenter:  Gloria Sinclair


2023 - Nancy McIntyre

Tonight we are here to honor Nancy McIntyre as the 2023 Woman of Excellence.

We thought we would do this together because we couldn’t think of much to say by ourselves.  Besides that, how could Nancy possibly choose one of us.

Gloria has known Nancy since before her time at the Golf Course.  They met at the squash club in Town and Nancy’s daughter Sheri babysat her kids.   

Elaine and Nancy’s friendship started when their sons played hockey together as young boys and now they’re golf buddies.  

Nancy joined NH in 1985.  When asked about  her past record of volunteering at the Club, she started by saying “back in the dark ages” .

We weren’t sure what the dark ages meant so we Googled it  and here is what it says:

“The dark ages was a period full of unenlightened people wandering around in the dark .”  This was your Captain!

Nancy was on the Long Range Planning Committee which  was very optimistic of her.  

Nancy hits a low running ball off the tee most times and will quite often say she needs more loft.  LOFT is the acronym for LACK OF EFFING TALENT!!

We have a lot of laughs in our Friday group.  Nancy has shown us all how to hit a lateral golf shot which we really didn’t want to learn.  Most recently she has given us lessons on how to get in an out of a golf cart when your knees hurt.  That is quite entertaining to watch.  

Gloria was Nancy’s Vice-Captain.  Some of you know they live in the same building and on the same floor.  There were many hallway meetings.  So many that Gloria began to scout out the hall before leaving her condo to see if she could get in the elevator before being spied by Nancy.

One day while golfing, Pam Lopers nicknamed Nancy “Bubbles “ - not because of her personality but because  Nancy had washed her golf shoes the day before and the grass was wet from the dew so bubbles started  floating around her.

Nancy has always been someone who is quick to say yes when asked to help out and is in her third year of volunteering at the Georgetown Bread Basket.  She and another resident at The Gallery faithfully collect empty liquor bottles and cans from the recycling rooms.  All money from this collection is then donated to the Bread Basket.  She has become a Dumpster Diver extraordinaire!  She also Chairs The Gallery Residents Advisory Committee which is almost a full-time job and doesn’t pay very well.  

She has always been an active club member.  In 2001 Nancy was  the Business Women’s Captain, Secretary for a number of years and Women’s Club Captain in 2009 and 2010.   During those two years as Club Captain she was on the Club’s Long Range Planning Committee as previously mentioned.  In 2013 and 2014 she was Secretary once again.    In her own words “guess I am a better volunteer than golfer.”

She was also on the Women’s Invitational Committee with the theme - Desperate Housewives.  During her 1st year as Captain, she initiated the Tuesday Team Play format that we all enjoy to this day.

Nancy always participated in club championships winning the D flight championship in 2003 And the Super Senior in ????  

In summary, this is a perfect quote:

Live life………     Love…….  And give back.

This is the meaning of being a volunteer.  In this case, Nancy gave her time and energy to the Women’s Section at NH for many years and is very deserving of this award. 

Congratulations Nancy!

Presenters:  Elaine Lewis & Gloria Sinclair


2022 - Elaine Lewis

Thank you Norm Jean. Taking my cue from Sam when she was introducing Tiger the night he was inducted into the Golf Hall of Fame.....Tonight it is my privilege to pay tribute to Elaine and all she has given to our club. It is a VERY well deserved tribute indeed!

I first met Elaine over 35 years ago when our sons were playing hockey together. Since then, I have always known that if you ask Elaine to do anything, she gives 150% of herself.

Elaine joined North Halton and became a Shareholder in 1995. I have never really known for sure whether her commitment to the club was driven by her love of the game of golf or the social aspect it provides.

Soon after joining, she was asked by Judy Wickware to start the process to become Captain of the Women’s Section. Back then, this was a huge commitment.....1 year as 2nd Vice Captain, 2 years as Vice Captain and 2 years as Captain....  1999 and 2000 ... followed by a year as Past Captain. For a total of 6 years. The Captain’s responsibilities included attending Mississauga District meetings, Rules committee meetings as well as organizing our Women’s events and Tuesday Games.

Elaine has also spent many hours volunteering on the Member Guest Day and Ladies Invitational committees. This included numerous dinners to plan the events, sourcing prizes and of course assisting on the day of. Always a busy time, but fun committees to be a part of.

After her years as Captain of our section, Elaine joined the Board of Directors of North Halton. During her 2 terms... 6 years, she was a major player in giving our dining room a much needed “do over”. This project included new chairs, light fixtures and sconces for the dining room, lounge and front hall. During this time we became an Equity Club and changed our name to The Club at North Halton..... A very busy 6 years. Beyond her years on the Board and several committees, Elaine has always been a great Ambassador for our club representing us at Interclub events and being an active part of our Buddy System and welcoming new members. And to top it off, last year she was a Captain for one of our teams in the Solheim Cup.

For years, Julie and Elaine have been a pairing in Doubles Match Play. Elaine is not sure whether Julie wants her great shots, or her handicap points. Julie says and I quote... we will keep it going until we get it right!

Elaine has always enjoyed competing in our Club C weekend. Well maybe enjoyed some years more than others!!   Several years ago Elaine and I had almost talked ourselves out of playing in Senior Club C, but then we realized Gloria would win the Super Senior category by default.  So...  we decided to give her a run for her money!!!!    Only to find out she wasn’t playing in it that year. That meant Elaine and I were competing against each other for the title. It really didn’t matter which one of us won because in our minds we were both Super Seniors just for signing up.!!!!

Elaine’s enthusiasm for our Ladies Events sometimes goes above and beyond. A couple years ago she organized decorations for our carts for Opening Day..... only to find out at dinner the prize was for the best hat/costume.... nothing to do with carts. Focus Elaine!!!.

Has anyone ever heard Elaine talking on the golf course?? I mean REALLY???  Often on a Fri when we make the turn, 3 of us have hit our drives on #10 and Elaine is still back at the snack bar. Lee Trevino once said “ he doesn’t let a golf swing get in the way of a good conversation”. I think Elaine would agree with that!!

But seriously, over the 27 years Elaine has been a member of North Halton, she is always more than willing to give her time and energy to make our club, and in particular our Women’s Section, the great golf experience we all enjoy. And for that, we thank you Elaine. It is an honour for us to call you our 2022 Woman of Excellence.

Presenter:  Nancy McIntyre


2021 - Marg Gage

Welcome everyone!  This is a special day as we honour Marg Gage who is the 2021 Lady of Excellence recipient.   


There are a number of guests here that I would like to recognize:

Please welcome the General Manager of N.H. Kyle Stewart, Cory McLaughlin our Director of Golf and Curling and Chris Waddick, the President of the Board of Directors.  

Thank you for being here.

Marg was born in Toronto and moved to the Georgetown area with her husband Bill in 1963.

She joined North Halton in 1965 and became a very active member by playing in Club Championships winning the 1990/94/98 C Flight Championship.  The 1975/76 9 hole Club Championship and the 1975/76/77 9 hole Handicap Championship.  But the one accomplishment I had to dig really deep for was she had the most birdies in the 9 hole section in 1976! 


But Marg didn't just collect trophies.  She gave back by taking on the Captain job in 1998, the Publicity job in 78/79 and again 95/86.  In 87/88 she shared Ringer Board duties with Sophie Henley.  


Not just a one sport athlete, Marg defeated Audrey Houston one year for the Ladies Tennis Championships and now she is terrorizing opponents playing Pickle Ball.  


Marg's chosen career was teaching and she worked at various area schools.  As a natural extension that teacher's have of wanting to help people, Marg did so by volunteering at a Help Line Distress Centre and also volunteered to help Underprivileged Kids.  It takes a special person to volunteer for those jobs.  


Marg please come forward and receive your award from the Ladies Club Captain Donna Lambert.  

Presenter: Gloria Sinclair


First of all I would like to welcome everyone to this year’s Ladies Closing.  Under these unusual circumstances a big thank you goes out to the organizing team for their efforts on trying to normalize our day today.  It’s no easy task to plan this event considering all the COVID restrictions and protocols - BRAVO ladies. 

Now to recognize our 2020 Lady of Excellence – Mrs. Audrey Houston

Just to refresh our memories, The Ladies of Excellence Award is presented each year to a member of the club who has made significant contributions to the “North Halton” experience.  Whether it be organizing and participating in special events, enduring the struggles of Club C or serving as a member of the ladies executive, this energetic and selfless lady does it all.

And that is why I am so honoured and privileged to be able to stand here today and present this gracious award to our dear friend Audrey.

 As many of us know, for many years, Audrey was an avid and accomplished tennis member.  Although her husband Bob played golf, at first Audrey was somewhat reluctant to join in on the golf experience.  Her enthusiasm and dedication to expend her energy on the courts was a much more satisfying task. Winning many events and serving as a captain on several occasions, Audrey was a shining star amongst the tennis members – who needs golf right?

Well guess what, at some point – an exact date I couldn’t get from Audrey – the golf gods casted that magical spell on her as it has with many of us - and she decided to give it a try.

Audrey had the privilege of learning the game of golf from her son David and Head Golf Professional – John Henderson.  I went to school with David and have fond memories of him being a very accomplished golfer.  Winning the Club Junior Championship a couple of times and receiving a golf scholarship to Indiana University, I can only imagine that David would have been an excellent teacher for Audrey.  In fact David who is here today - continues to play golf at the Weston club but has confessed how he loves coming back to North Halton to capture those early memories of golfing with family and friends.    

With her golf skills now intact, it was no surprise that Audrey prospered into an accomplished golfer herself.  To name a few of her triumphs, Audrey and her loving husband Bob won the mixed club championship “you know the dreaded Langdon”.  As well, Audrey was awarded with Women’s B Flight Champion as well as Seniors Flight B champion. She participated in match play events and was the captain of the Solheim in 2015.   

Audrey also recalls her only hole in one – she was playing with Donna Jackson and Christine Carter when they were called off the golf course due to the rain.  After enjoying some fun on the balcony, Audrey recalls reluctantly returning to the course to resume play.  They went straight to #15.  This was quite a few years ago so us older members recall the huge slope to the left hand side.  Well rather than hitting it left and letting it roll down the hill like most of us did,  Audrey went straight for the green keeping her head down.  Low and behold Christine started yelling and sure enough the ball went right into the cup.  Christine started jumping and running all over the golf course yelling “Mrs. Houston just got a hole in one.  That must have been quite a sight and a great memory for Audrey.

We are all so grateful for Audrey’s contributions to the Ladies section over the years.  She endured the responsibility of being Ladies Captain, participated in the Invitational Committee several times and who can’t deny the peaceful feeling we all have when our dear friend Audrey stands up before us all to say grace during our opening and closing events. Audrey revealed a little secret to me during our discussions. She has an envelope full of verses for just those special occasions.  Thank you Audrey for sharing your faith and wisdom.  It means a great deal to us. 

Aside from her many accomplishments in tennis and golf, I have come to learn that there is a lot more to this England born stylish lady.  Audrey has a wonderful daughter Linda who also resides in Georgetown and is thankful for all of her support and companionship.   The twinkle in Audrey’s eyes as she speaks about her grandchildren and their accomplishments is so touching.  Her daughter Linda and son David along with their families continue to be a big part of Audrey’s life and have been so helpful over these past months.

Here’s a fun fact, did you know that Audrey came to Canada on a boat from England all by herself?  What an adventure it must have been and the bravery it takes to endure such a journey, it’s all so impressive.   

Audrey was working in downtown Toronto when she met her husband Bob at the Piccadilly Club.  They moved to Georgetown in the early 60’s and built their first home in Terra Cotta in the early 70’s.  Over the years North Halton became their second home – they golfed, played tennis, enrolled their grandchildren into the Friday morning golf clinics, and celebrated anniversaries and birthdays here.  In fact their presence was so frequent that the club had to bring in a special order for Bob – does anyone remember his Carling O’keefe?  

I have learned that Audrey is also very committed to her community.  She has been a member of the St. George’s Anglican Church since the early 60’s.  She is an active member of the Choir and volunteers on the Ladies Auxiliary. As you can see from our pictures, she was an active Scottish Dancer and a member of the Georgetown Globe Productions.  Audrey participated in 7 productions and whether she sang or tapped danced there is no doubt she stole the show.

There is so much more I could say about this amazing lady.  It was such a treat to sit down and listen to her tales and adventures.  From gardening to decorating; golf to tennis, mother to grandmother, wife, and friend, this lady exemplifies all the qualities of a “Lady of Excellence”

Please join me in raising a glass “or coffee mug” and toasting Audrey Houston this year’s recipient of the Ladies of Excellence”   Congratulations to a lifetime of accomplishments. 

Presenter - Donna Davey - Vice-Captain


2019 - Marilyn Worrall

The old adage “Time sure flies when you’re having fun” really does apply.
It’s been 55 years since Marilyn joined.  Seems like a blink of an eye.
A 30 year old stay-at-home mother, when she joined in ‘64.
Needing a break from her young family, she would sneak out our front door.

We all slept in as it was summer vacation.   On the kitchen table, she left…. the list.
We vacuumed, dusted etc. while she golfed.  July & August to her were bliss.
This was back when the first green was on the corner at Trafalgar Road.
“If your dad calls don’t tell him where I am or he is bound to explode.”

They thought we should learn golf so we’d tee off as a six-some on Sunday nights.
We each got assigned one club.  It must have been quite the sight.
This must have been around the time, when she began to volunteer.
I’m guessing she agreed to help after one too many beer.

My earliest memory of her work, was heading to the ladies locker room metal racks.
She would have to manually calculate handicaps.  She put the cards all in a stack.
I can’t even imagine how much work that was….. to figure that all out.
However I know for certain it was correct.  With Marilyn…. there is no doubt.
At home there was bristol board & markers……to make posters for different club events.
This was all before graphic design and battery calculators had commenced.

Not sure if all these duties were the Ladies Captain, here at Halton North
But my mom and Eleanor Inglis spent at least a decade going back & forth.
First one would be the captain and then the other would be the vice.
These women worked diligently for the Section.  Their personal time they’d sacrifice.
Back then the women’s big fundraiser was the Annual June Penny Sale.
Donations for fabulous prizes earned the section enough money without fail.

When the Ladies Locker room needed a lift, Mom used her interior decorating skills.
Shopping for the furniture & fabrics.  It saved The Club any additional bills.
In the sixties, the locker room actually had a view, so the curtains Mom did sew.
I recall the floral fabric looked like something from Gone with The Wind but on the Carol Burnett show.

It didn’t stop there.   I don’t think it mattered what needed to be done.
If ever looking for volunteers, you know that Marilyn would be one.
In the eighties when she was on the board, they asked her to be the social convenor.
She organized different themed parties.  It was perfect for her demeanor.
Costumes and wig rentals, parties that would go on late into the night.
Shirtless hubbies whistling through their navels wearing black & white. 

She’d serve on house committees & even grabbed a brush when time to paint.
Now I know these are so many wonderful things but she wasn’t always a saint.
Way back when she’d tried to stir up trouble, she’d book the last tee time on Thursday Morn.
Oh the men on the balcony didn’t like that much, they’d look at her with scorn.
I’m not sure she served on the Food and Beverage committee but I know she really helped with liquor sales.
Because I’ve met so many members who have done shots with mom and it is usually is the males.

The friendships Mom’s made through the years; Gerry Caird, Inez Crichton & Peggy Darmody
Jean & Harvey Chappel, Irene McIntosh and one gal Inicknamed Bubbly Bea.
The laughter and amazing times with Toots Burns and Carol Carter.  This advice is sage.
Embrace the camaraderie that we have here…..like her 50+ year friendship with Marg Gage.

I think golf is secondary for mom.  It wasn’t always about what happened on the course.
Contributing, friendships and laughter anywhere on this property are her main pleasure source.
North Halton “Jill of All” trades.  No matter what hat she wears, she is so capable.
So proud of this woman, who now is the Lady of Excellence at ……363 Maple.

If everyone could stand to toast Marilyn, my mom….2019 Woman of the Year.
To the lady who requests “Surprise me Ales”.  Please raise your glass and cheer.

Now I’d like to introduce the only Lady of Excellence, so far, who
has been an owner and operator of a 13 hole golf course, Marilyn Worrall!

Presenter:  Lori (Worrall) Madill


2018 - Eleanor Inglis

Presenter - Julie Green


2017 Gloria Sinclair

It is my pleasure to introduce the 2017 recipient of the Lady of Excellence Award, Gloria Sinclair. I, like many, was vaguely aware of Gloria's accomplishments on the golf course but had no idea the amount of dedication she has given to the game and its improvement over many years.  So sit back, relax and be prepared to be introduced to the Gloria that devoted much time to all aspects of the game.

Gloria joined the Club in 1960 after developing her game on Sunday's at the Fairgrounds using her fathers 5 iron knocking balls back and forth between the uprights. She borrowed the $10 dues from a family member and continued to hone her game until 1975 when she took a rest from golf to start and raise her family. Yikes today we can't even get a glass of wine at the club let alone an annual membership. Gloria returned to the club in 1984 and has been a constant driving force and promoter of the game of golf.  I have decided to discuss Gloria's accomplishments both on and off the course starting at a local, provincial, National and finally an International level.

Gloria's has the unprecedented distinction of being the Club Champion 20 times and the Senior Champion 15 times.
Not only does Gloria enter these competitive events she is a relentless supporter of events like the Ladies Opening and Closing, the Match Play events including the Mixed Match play, the Solheim Cup, the Inter Club play , Member/Guest day, Tuesday Team play and most recently as a member of the North Halton ladies team of 6 ladies that played in the inaugural GTA Solheim Cup which consisted of 6 clubs in the GTA and this year the event has expanded to 8 clubs with North Halton as the host club.
Gloria has held positions as Ladies Executive Captain, Business Ladies Captain and Secretary. She was on the Board of Directors for 3 terms and Chaired the greens committee. Gloria has been off the board for several years but still sits on the greens committee sharing her expertise with fellow members.  Gloria is also a past co-ordinator of the Junior programme.  In addition Gloria developed a Course Management programme that she has delivered to lady members over the past 3 years and last year was invited to St. John's United Church to do a presentation as a fund raiser.
As I think most of us are aware Gloria developed the North Halton Women's blog where she faithfully and rapidly reports on anything and everything you would want to know about ladies golf at North Halton. It is an amazing resource for events, rules, and pictures just to name a few.
In 2013 Gloria was inducted into the Halton Hills Sports Hall of Fame.

- 1997 and 1998 Ontario Senior Championships Runner up.
2001 Ontario Mixed Seniors Champion with Tom Kingston.
2002 Ontario Seniors Champion.
2008 and 2009 Ontario Seniors Champion in the 60+ Division.
- 2018 Ontario Seniors 70+ Champion.
An Ontario Golf Team member for 4 years.
A 10 times participant in the Ontario Ada McKenzie Challenge Match play member versus Upper New York State.
Mississauga District Champion 3 times.
She is the past Rules Chairperson for the District of Mississauga.
She served on the Ontario Provincial Training Advisory Committee for 3 years.
She recently completed a term on the Ontario Golf Hall of Fame Selection Committee.
In 2010 Gloria was awarded the GAO'S " Contributions and Achievement Award for her many accomplishments.
Gloria currently volunteers as a Tournament Official for Golf Ontario and Golf Canada.

1999 Gloria placed 6th in Canadian Senior Championship competition.
In 2005 Gloria placed 3rd in the Canadian Seniors Championship competition.
2009 Canadian Senior 60+ 2nd place.
As a team member in 1997 and 1998 she and her team mates were the runners up in this National competition.
In 2000 her team won the Canadian Team Championships

in 1999 and 2001 Gloria qualified for the US Seniors.
In 2003 Gloria qualified for the British Seniors.

Gloria was born with an innate talent for the game of golf but rather than rest on this ability she worked hard and I mean very hard on her game. Still today who do we see most often out on the practise range or on the putting green honing her skills?
Also besides on course prowess she has given back to the development of the game through her numerous volunteer associations. Gloria does not covet her knowledge but spreads the joys of golf to everyone.
I applaud the family member that loaned the $10 to set this amazing lady in motion- Wow did he get a great return on his or her investment.
Please stand and recognize our 2017 Lady of Excellence recipient Gloria Sinclair.

Presenter:  Barb Rieger


Jean and I have been friends for a very long time.  She told me she first laid eyes on me when I was a toddler tied up to a tree on the front lawn of a house we lived in on Main street.  I guess this was my Mom's way of getting something done inside while we got some outside play time.

Jean is my golf course Mother.  She always had an encouraging word for me before leaving to play in a tournament and always wanted to know how I did when I returned.  

Jean was the quintessential volunteer.  Some of the positions she held were:  President for 4 years, Treasurer 2 years, Handicap Convenor 2 years, Club Captain, Business Girls Captain and Penny Sale Convenor 3 times!  In more recent years she would help out as a spotter in our Invitational and as a timer in the Club Championships.  In addition to her N.H. volunteering she volunteered for many years as a course rater for Mississauga District.  And when I was Captain she said "I will do anything you need me for - just call on me anytime."

Jean not only volunteered, but she participated.  She and Harvey won the Langdon trophy 2 times, she was the B Flight Champion in 1990, Masters Champion 88, 89, 90, 92, 93 and the Handicap Champion in 1974.  She won all these things with a sweet putting stroke and a boring (as we liked to tease her) down the middle of the fairway game.

Jean I'm honoured to be part of presenting the North Halton Ladies of Excellence Award to you.  You are most deserving of this award because of the excellent role model you have been for so many of us at North Halton.


Presenter:  Gloria Sinclair