Team Play Rules & Tuesday Golf


Team Play Rules
1.  Team play is based on 9 holes - played any time and with anyone on a Tuesday.  Tee times are also blocked between 9:00am to 9:50am,  and 1:30pm to 2:30pm, and 4:00pm - 5:20pm just for the women and these times can only be accessed by calling the Pro Shop.  If these times are not fully booked by Saturday afternoon, the spots will be opened up so other members may book them.  
If you are in Team Play and are on the Tee Sheet, your account will automatically be charged $4.00 for the Game of the Week, 50/50 Draw, Closest-to-Fairah, Closest-to-the-Pin, Chip-ins.  You MUST inform the pro shop if you want to be entered for back-9 chip-ins.  If your name is not in the Tee Sheet, you will not be charged.

2.  Participants must be able to play at least 6 times before September 12.
3.  For this year we would ask the score keeper, after the Front 9 is played, submit their scorecard to the pro shop to have scores entered in the scoring system
4.  Participants can play any tee they choose.  If you don't declare your tees on the card by putting a "G" or "R/G" beside your name it will default to red.
5.  If a player makes a Chip-in, indicate the players name on the card as well as the hole number and mention it to the pro shop when handing in the scorecard.
6.  Participant points will not exceed 8 points per team/event.
7.  Players must hole out or record a maximum score - no gimmies for putts.
8.  Scores recorded for handicap purposes should be calculated using the NET DOUBLE BOGEY system as the maximum on every hole (double bogey plus your handicap strokes)

9.  Each team needs 5 players to complete 9 hole scores on the day of play to be eligible for team play points.   


DON'T forget to enter your score into Golf Canada at the end of your game for your handicap. 




Two-Toonie Tuesdays


Women who are not part of the Team Play, but have paid their Women's Participation Fee are welcome to participate in the Game of the Week, Chip-ins and 50/50 draw by paying $4.00 each week. If you want to participate in the weekly game, please see the Starter before your round and they will highlight your name on the Tee Sheet.  By doing this, the Pro Shop will know to charge your account and that you are eligible for prize money.

For the tee times that are later in the afternoon, please hand in your front 9 scores to the pro shop before you proceed to the 10th hole to have scores entered in the scoring system.


Prize amounts each week will automatically be loaded to your credit book.



 2 Toonies to be eligible on the Front 9 for:


1st Prize- $20.00 Credit
2nd Prize- $15.00 Credit
3rd Prize -$10.00 Credit
4th Prize - $5.00 Credit 
Closest to Fairah the Fox -$15.00 Credit
Closest to Pin - $20.00 Credit
50/50 Draw
Chip-Ins front 9


Chip-Ins back 9 (optional for additional $2) 
(If no chip-ins front or back winnings will be carried to next week)



Results and standings will be sent out by email weekly.

Ronda Harris,
2023  Tuesday Women's Day Coordinator



Was Your Team Play Game Interrupted by Rain and/or Lightning?

If there’s just rain, the siren isn’t blown due to lightening and you choose not to finish, a simple DNF can be entered.  In this case your score will not count for your team, and would only earn a participation point if your team had 4 other scores entered.  Since this can sometimes be tough on Tuesdays, and especially on a day where there is periodic rain, your score for any uncompleted holes will be entered as your maximum.  At least this way you can have a score to post and can possibly help out your team if there are only 4 other scores posted by other team members.  Then the team would actually earn participation points and could possibly have a team score lower than their opponents for the day and win their match.

1. To enter scores for any uncompleted holes you would enter your maximum score allowed (par, plus double bogey, plus your handicap strokes)
Example: Par 5 hole… 5 + 2 + 3 (3 is my handicap strokes for the par 5) =10 is the maximum score you enter for this uncompleted hole.
2. All rounds must be finished unless the day is “cancelled" due to inclement weather.
3. If the siren rings before your round is complete, but the day will not be “cancelled", you must resume your round from where you left off once play resumes. 

4. In the event, you are unable to finish your round once play resumes, either a DNF can be entered, or you can take your maximum score for any un-played holes. 

5. If taking a DNF, you will not be eligible to count for your team score, and will only earn a participation point for your team if there are enough scores entered to make a team score (5 complete 9-hole scores).