Executive Minutes

2023 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda 

North Halton Women’s Section

Monday June 12, 2023 - 5PM - North Halton Board Room 


Norma Jean King, Natalie Moffatt, Lori Madill, Ronda Harris, Karen Watts, Melissa Muirhead, Melanie Hewson, Donna Davey, Ashley Scholz, Deanna Tallarico, Darlene Pope, Deb Campbell, Hendrick Van DerGeld, Marc Bezaire, Brenden Geim Regrets: Nick D’Ovidio 

______________________________________________________ 1. Reviewed Financials 

Cash Balance is: $14 647.89, a small amount is still pending final numbers (e.g., ball markers from IWD). Financials are very healthy with what we have budgeted for this season. 

The section is very thankful to Armando Tallirico for generously refinishing the metal sponsor signs, saving thousands($). A quote of $3000 was given to refinish them from another vendor, Armando graciously completed the work at no cost to our Women’s Section. Big Thanks! 

2. Review of recent NH Women’s events

Tuesday Women’s Day - has been well attended each week, trunk sale was a success. Discussed having this earlier next year. Some brands could be considered for the Proshop. 

Par 3 ShootOut - to date 40 women are signed up. 

Birdies & Ringers - 58 women have signed up to participate, looking for more. Marc will show how to access ‘Ultimate Scorecard’ on Golf Canada, to further help track birdies and ringers.

Rules Clinic - Marc was asked to have further rules clinics or create videos to help members with rules. 

Marc informed of the scorecards being redone NEXT season to help with grid cards being reprinted. Entering scores hole by hole helps the course be rated for handicap purposes. 

3. Upcoming Events 

InterClub - June 14. There will be 32 people. On July 20th Interclub will be at Credit Valley. There will be a registration opening for this, but those 8 who played in North Halton’s Interclub will have first priority to play at one other, either Credit Valley or Brampton 

Field Day - June 21 

GNO - June 27. Opens on Tues. June 13th to get a Tee time. Ronda is meeting with Nick to discuss food, drinks. Scratch tickets will be sold for $5. Brendan and Kyle and other team members will be selling tickets and promoting fun. 

Club C Prep Clinics - July 4-6 ** see note below 

Member Guest Tournament - Wednesday July 12. The close to sign up for this is June 20th (this is to ensure swag is ordered in time). As of now 13 teams are registered, 23 teams is the break even number. 

Junior Girls Sunday Funday - Sunday July 16. Women volunteers are needed to walk with the junior girls while they play in a scramble. This is capped at 16 girls. They will receive swag and food (girls and parents will be emailed to organize payment for food). The goal of this event is for the girls to get to know some women members and feel a part of the club, to introduce them to a golf event with a different format and to try and encourage some to participate in Junior Club C. (No girls participated last season). This fun day is open to Junior Girls who are junior girl members or who are participating in ‘OPARation’, which promotes youth learning and playing golf was discussed briefly, to help recruit young people to join as intermediates (for family members of North Halton Members). 

Mystery Golf Day - July 25. There are now spots available for 32 people. Will open in Golf Genius on Saturday June 25th at 9AM.

5. New Business 

Donna requested a date of Tues. Aug. 8th for the Solheim draft at 7pm. This being a Tuesday, it was decided that results for Tuesday Team Play will be emailed that night. 

** As per Golf Genius and Clinic Poster - Club C Prep clinics will run first three Tuesdays in July. Sign up thru Golf Genius.

                     North Halton Women’s SectionImage

2022 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda


Thursday October 13, 2022 - 5PM North Halton Board Room



Norma Jean King, Natalie Moffatt, Ronda Harris, Gloria Sinclair, Melanie Hewson, Donna Davey,  Ashley Scholz, Deanna Tallarico, Anneke Keenleyside, Kyle Stewart, Brenden Geim, Kyle Sokolowski, Nick D’Ovidio, Lori Madill - virtually


Regrets:  Nick D’Ovidio, Natalie Moffatt, Gloria Sinclair, Donna Davey, Brendan Geim,




1.     Current Season Ending Financials - Lori 


    Lori provided an update on the financials. There are a few items that have not come through at the time of the meeting.

    Women’s Section will carry over approx. $2,400 into the next season.

    Budget to be posted on the Blog once all charges been applied.



2.     Year in review:  Highlights & Improvements for 2023


        Ronda Harris - Tuesday Team Play & Girls Night Out


    Two Thirds of the Women’s Section participated in Team Play (61 players)

    Increased fee of $4.00 for the Two Toonie Games allowed for increased payouts for prizes and more prizing each week.  

    Team Play fee allowed for 4 teams to be prized out at the end of the season versus previously three teams.

    Draft Night will be held early May, 2023.  Teams will be finalized shortly after Women’s Opening with the exception of new members

    Draft Night will be at 7:30 instead of 7:00 to allow new members to join after New Member Meet & Greet.

    Ronda to do up a flyer explaining how Two Toonie Tuesday & Team Play works.

    Norma jean suggested we could also send this out pre-season in an email communication.

    Lockers will be provided to store the sponsors prizes for easier access. Ensure all prizes are available from sponsors at the start of Women’s Tuesday Play.

    Girls Night Out- 2 events were held with large participation of members and guests (first event-27 guests & second event- 36 guests)

    Next season add a third GNO (June, August & Sept)

    Club benefited from additional revenue with 63 guests paying green fees, carts, food & Beverage and Pros hop purchases made at GNO events.

    Ronda asked for an Increase budget for prizes for 3 GNO events.




        Melanie Hewson - New Member Program

    Good participation with new members and buddies.

    NM9 in August was pushed out later in the month to encourage participation in Women’s Closing.

    Combining the new member Meet & Greet with the Tuesday Team Play Draft night worked well to encourage and introduce the new members to the Women’s Section Members.  

    Melanie asked for an Increase in budget New Member Program for New Member Welcome gifts and prizes for NM9 events.

    Anneke suggested we have pics of the executive on the bulletin board next season.



        Deanna Tallarico & Natalie Moffat - Opening / Closing

    Opening & Closing Events were well attended. 

    Themes and decorating were fun and tastefully done. 

    Lindsey (F&B manager) was very eager to help with the set-up and Deanna provided instructions and all was executed to plan.

    Opening had the large world map which was used to take photos. Feedback is to continue to have a themed backdrop area to take team photos for opening and closing events.

    Deanna purchased some decor items that can be re-used at other events.

    Plan is to pick the themes earlier to allow for items to be purchases earlier as supply chain issues still exist. The executive committee will provide ideas and favorite themes to Deanna and Natalie.

    Deanna requested that Club provide some storage space to store totes with event items.  Kyle to check with Donnie about storage space.

    Sponsor reception at Closing was a great idea.  Would like to continue this at Opening.


        Norma Jean King - Member Guest / Field Days / Membership Overview

    We had 94 out of 106 golfers participate in events this season.

    Kyle Stewart said he wants to do up a flyer to give to new female members to lay out all that Women’s Participation fee includes.

    Member Guest Event was very successful with large participation. 

    Member Guest Tourney had 26 teams of 2 = 52 players in all.  Good result for the first competitive Member Guest event where a handicap was required for all players to compete.

    Anneke hi lighted that everyone appreciated all the little touches to make their experience a memorable one (meet the guests as they drive in, lockers assigned for guests, tables set up on the balcony etc.)

    NJ suggested the need for appetizers next season prior to lunch and drinks to greet players as they come in off the course. 

    NJ advised the cost will be increased for next year to help offset these additions and also asked for an increase in the budget to accommodate the appetizers and drinks.  Will get pricing from Nick to determine these figures.

    Field Days were very successful. Great opportunity to meet and play with other members. Continue with that format. 



        Melanie Hewson – Handicap

    Some feedback from members was the way in which the Handicap rules were enforced and handled by the Handicap Committee caused embarrassment and stress for some by sending the emails to all members. Could this have been handled with more discretion?

    The handicap committee is working with Club to get a new system in place to track handicaps which will eliminate the issues that we currently have.


        Ashley Scholz – Sponsorship

    Executive Committee recognized the wonderful work Ashley has done to encourage sponsorship of our section. 

    The sponsorship program has allowed the Women’s Section to improve on every event held this season by way of adding new events and adding more prizes and prize money.

    Ashley is currently working on the sponsorship program to make it even better for next season.


         NJ on behalf of Donna Davey - InterClub & Solheim

    Interclub went well.  Looking for a 4th club to participate for next season. Kyle Stewart will work with pros from the three other clubs to approach some other clubs to get a commitment for next season.  Ideally Devils Pulpit.  Kyle also mentioned Burlington.

    Solheim was a great success. Everyone loved the Shirts.

    Food & Drink sponsored by Paul Armstrong was very much appreciated.


  NJ on behalf of Gloria Sinclair - Blog & Photograph capture

    Melissa Muirhead is taking over the Blog 

    Darlene Pope is taking over the photography as Elaine Turkington is stepping down.  Thank you to Elaine.

    Kyle suggested instead of printing all the pictures, they can be kept on USB key and can be put on a reel and viewed on the TV in Women’s Locker room. 

    End of Season Digital Book can be put together with all pictures from the season.

    Gloria has done an exceptional job over the years with the blog and photography… Thank you Gloria, we will miss you on the committee!




3.     Review of 2022 Club Championship Flighting - Kyle Stewart / Norma jean King


    Requested changes in how flights are determined for competitive events

    Each flight should have a minimum of 2 players in it, including championship flight

    Suggest we add a “9 hole -Green Tee” flight for Women who are not comfortable or ready to play in the regular Club C flights. Ensure this flight ends on the real 18th hole not 9th hole as coming over the pond can be extremely intimidating & stressful for most members during Club C.

    Suggest to have a “handicap free” event to encourage members who are intimidated to play in handicapped events due to their high handicap number.  Melanie shared about a Solheim that she plays in annually at another club and there is no handicap required.



4.     Membership Survey - Timeline / Goals - Norma Jean King


    Survey to Women’s Section will go out to gain insight on how we can improve in all areas of the Women’s Section.

    Gill Moore has offered to assist in putting the survey together once we provide the questions



5.     2023 Woman of Excellence - Nominations / Voted on in early 2023


    Will be discussed at next meeting in new year.


6.     Ongoing Initiatives:  Succession Planning / Fundraising Initiative with Townsend Foundation


    Will be discussed at next meeting in the new year.


7.     New Business


    Executive Committee will buy a “Brick” for the “Clock” for the “Women’s Section 2022”

    Karen Watts will be taking over the Secretary Position from Ronda.

    NJ introduced us doing a Mystery Golf Day where women of North Halton would sign up and travel to another private club to play and enjoy lunch.  Kyle Stewart & Kyle Soko are going to start working on this.




Meeting Adjourned at 7:05pm.




North Halton Women’s Section

2022 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes


Monday June 20, 2022 - 5:00PM @ North Halton Dining Room 



Norma Jean King, Natalie Moffatt, Lori Madill, Ronda Harris, Gloria Sinclair, Melanie Hewson, Donna Davey, Ashley Scholz, Deanna Tallarico, Anneke Keenleyside, Kyle Stewart, Cory McLaughlin, Kyle Sokolowski

Brenden Geim, 

Curtis Braun, Pam Mulhall


Regrets: Anneke Keenleyside, Cory McLaughlin, Kyle Sokolowski, Curtis Braun



1.    Charity presentation - Pam Mulhall

·    Pam presented an opportunity to start a fundraiser at N.H. to support the building of a new 10 bed Hospice in North Halton Hills as currently the closest Hospice is outside of Georgetown. 

·    The Townsend Smith Foundation is the registered charitable organization     spearheading this new build that will be a 20–30-million-dollar project.

·    The committee discussed different fundraisers that we could potentially do (Booze Basket, longest round of golf, 50/50 draw).

·    Women’s Exec. will appoint a sub-committee to lead this effort.


2.    Financial / Budget Update – Lori

·    Lori presented the updated expenses that have occurred up to this date    and have been applied to the different events that have run. 

·    Lori stated there are a few items that have not been expensed yet from the pro-shop.


3.    Bathroom Reno - Kyle Stewart

·    Kyle presented information regarding the broken pipe that exists in the Women’s Washroom inside the Locker room where the showers are. This is causing backups with the toilets therefor the toilets will be out of commission until the repair can occur. This will be done at the end of the season as it means breaking holes into walls. The showers and sinks are still open for use.


4.    Member / Guest Tournament / Field Day update – NJ


·    Norm Jean provided an update that there are 26 teams registered for this tournament. The registration is now closed. Norma Jean is very pleased with the turn out for this fun and competitive tournament. 


5.    Women’s Closing Planning / Feedback on Opening - Deanna / Nat


·    Deanna and Natalie provided an update on the theme for the closing event. It will be very exciting and tons of fun golf for all who attend.


6.    GNO Update / Sympathy Cards- Ronda Harris  


·    First Girls Night Out is happening June 28. Currently we have 26 guests coming which is more than we have had in the past several years. 

·    Due to an increase in early sign up by members for them and their guests we started to run out of tee times in the afternoon.

·    It was confirmed by Kyle Stewart that North Halton Women are able to sign up their guests for Girls Night Out events two weeks prior, but only for Women's Day specific blocked off tee times. 


·    Due the increase in golfers on GNO, Kyle also confirmed that the Women's Day Blocked off tee times can be increased from 1 - 3PM allowing for an additional 3 tee times in this time slot and will be added for the next GNO August 23.

·    There will be the usual “Tuesday Two Toonie games” and “Team play” and guests can enter the games for $4. There will be additional draws for gift bags for lucky guests who have their name drawn. 


·    Ronda discussed the current practice of sending sympathy cards out to members families if a member passed away, also to members who may have had a family member pass away such as a parent. Kyle also explained that the club makes donations to charities listed if a member passes and lists the charity of choice. The Women’s Executive has also been sending donations to the charity of choice when a member passes away. The issue brought forward is we don’t always know if a member has a parent or close relative pass away and therefor it is not equitable to continue to only send cards to those who we are aware of. The executive all agreed to stop sending cards to members and members families and the club will continue to send donations on behalf of the entire membership for any member who passes away and has it listed in their publicly announced obituary. Gloria will continue to post obituaries on the Women’s blog if she gets permission from the family. Kyle will notify Melanie Hewson of any members passing so she can post the publicly announced obituary on the board in the Women’s Locker room.



7.    Rules Clinic - Gloria


·    Kyle confirmed that Cory is going to do a “rules clinic” and it would be appreciated if it could be completed before Club Championship weekend. Gloria is going to try to get an official from Golf Ontario to come out to speak about the new rules if Cory is not able to provide the clinic.

·    Gloria is going to put together a “rules card”.


·    The Rules booklet that was provided at the opening event is the most recent one.


8.    New Members - Golf Buddies - NM9 - Melanie Hewson  


·    Melanie held the first “New Members 9” hole game and had 8 new members came out. Everyone had a great time and the next one is July 6th.


9.    Interclub & Solheim Cup update - Donna Davey


·    Donna held a successful “Interclub” event which had great response from the other clubs that attended. 

·    Next year Donna suggests we have 3 different sign ups times for the Interclub to allow different people to attend each one. 

·    Solheim Cup – Shirts are being ordered which will have a tropical vibe instead of a solid color. The food will have the same theme.


10.Sponsorship – Ashley


·    Ashley is lining up new sponsors for next season. She has had huge interest from our business community in sponsorships for the Women’s section.


11.New Business


·    Gloria is having issues with emailing the blog to people who have “sympatico” email addresses. There was discussion regarding looking into a new blog or web portal that we would pay for but would be easier to use. Ashely asked Gloria to show her how it works as she may be able to get some help from Max as this is his area of expertise.


·    Participation fee update:


o   93 women paid the fee this season

o   11 did not pay or asked for a refund.


·    A breach of member privacy occurred recently and was brought forward. Kyle will remind all staff that this is a private club and membership privacy is a priority and should not be discussed especially outside of the club.


Meeting adjourned at 6:37 pm.



North Halton Women’s Section

2022 Executive Committee 

Meeting Minutes


Monday April 11, 2022 - 6:00PM @ North Halton Dining Room & Zoom


Norma Jean King, Natalie Moffatt, Lori Madill, Ronda Harris, Gloria Sinclair, Melanie Hewson, Donna Davey, AshleyScholz, Deanna Tallarico, Anneke Keenleyside, Kyle Stewart, Cory McLaughlin, Kyle Sokolowski


Regrets: Ashley Scholz

1.    Women’s Section Pro Shop Staff Support / Rules & Women’s Spring Clinics / Processes -Cory McLaughlin 

      Opening event, spring clinic and Tuesday Team play registration starts April 15.

      Notice for spring clinic needs to go out now, Cory will take care of this.

      Cory to send NJ what was sent last year introducing the season’s events.

      Pro shop support for Women’s section starting in May will be Brenden Geim and Kyle Sokolowski who helped out last season.

      Cory will hold rule clinic May 16th will be done on the course in the evening. Will have rule card and rule books available for all women members. He may have enough to hand out at opening event

      Kyle Stewart will make sure women’s events are on the calendar for NHGC website.

      Melanie is going to set it up Ringer board as a binder in the women’s locker room. Melanie is also taking over bulletin board in locker room.


2.    Budget - Lori Madill –

      Sent updated budget - any questions?

      Lori reviewed the few changes made to budget. 


3.    Captains update - Norma Jean King

      New Women’s Section logo has been sent out. 

      May not be able to put new logo on merchandise as everything has already gone out for logo.

      Kyle Soko has to confirm with his sister-in-law, who did the logo, if we can put it on merchandise and also to sell the merchandise (hats, shirts etc.)

      NJ to send out newsletter going out this week. 

      Section fee name is now “participation fee”.

      Participation fee should also include eligibility for ringer board prizes.


4.    Sponsors - Norma Jean on behalf of Ashley

      Flags have been created for our sponsors – flags will be done for our legacy existing sponsors (4) plus Homeretreats (1) and also Paul Armstrong (1) for Solheim cup. Flags go out on Tuesdays.

      Stands that hold signs will be painted orange by Kyle Soko

      Signs are being redone as it says “Ladies” needs to change to “Women’s”

       Will have write up for each sponsor to promote them on the blog.


5.    Women’s Opening update - Deanna / Natalie

      Poster being finalized

      Menu will be finalized with Nick soon.

      Swag ordered

      Backdrop for pictures done

      Meal will be picked on Golf genius 

      Still need registration table- need volunteers for table.

      Need pro-shop staff at first hole and on the turn at 9 as there will be a game.

      Cory will try to get start time around 12:30.


6.    Tuesday Coordinator update - Ronda Harris


      Update provide regarding posters and sponsors names added to posters

      Confirmed with Cory registration will start April 15

      Draft night May 10- Ronda to meet with JP and Nick regarding food for that night.

      Cory can get email addresses to be added to list for captains to access for their teams


7.    Blog & Education updates – Gloria Sinclair

·       Gloria found box of photo albums in office and will place them in new boxes with labels and put them upstairs in storage.

·       No further updates on education at this time


8.    New Members - Golf Buddies update - Melanie Hewson

·       4 new members- welcome letters going out to them and have them            complete their bio and submit photo for the blog.

·       Doing meet and greet May 10 on draft night.

·       Need to recruit buddies for new members-Melanie to send an email

·       Buddies should be invited to be there on May 10 with new members.


9.    Interclub & Solheim Cup update - Donna Davey

      Interclub dates are confirmed with the 3 clubs (Brampton, Credit Valley, NHGC) these dates are Thursdays for away clubs and Wednesdays for NHGC.

      Donna will put out a poster for Interclub to the women’s section.

      Registration on Golf Genius with wait list (8 spots available) with the person’s preference for place and date to register.

      Need to make sure that one person doesn’t get to take 3 spots.

      Solheim posters to go up and registration to be earlier this year as shirts are going to be hard to find. Colleen and Mary Jo have agreed to help Donna on this committee. 


Other agenda items- 

·       Kyle Stewart has brought the subject forward that we should consider changing the name of the “girl’s night out” theme to be in line with changing “Ladies” to “Women’s” section. Executive has voted to leave the name the same as it is a theme for an event not a category. NJ has suggested we do a survey at the end of the season to get feedback from the section on how we can continue to improve. Lori will send the survey she just completed from her Florida away course to see if we can use any of the questions on that survey for ours.


              Meeting adjourned 7:19 pm.


2022 Executive Committee Meeting Summary

Date of Meeting: January 19, 2022/5:30pm via Zoom 



Norma Jean King, Natalie Moffatt,  Lori Madill, Ronda Harris, Gloria Sinclair, Melanie Hewson, Donna Davey, Ashley Scholz, Deanna Tallarico,  Elaine Turkington, Anneke Keenleyside, Kyle Stewart, Cory McLaughlin, Matt Tindale


Cory McLaughlin, Elaine Turkington



Agenda Items:


1.    Introduction & Welcome New Executive Members - Norma Jean King


2.    Our Goal for 2022 - Norma Jean King

·      As Captain, Norma Jean expressed her goal for this season is inclusivity, transparency, and improve communication.  She also wants to focus on the season being fun, social and competitive. With adding a competitive Member Guest Tournament and two fun Ladies Field Days to the roster this summer, we hope every lady member will find events that they would like to participate in.


3.    Budget Review and event allocations - Lori Madill

·      Lori asked if there were any changes required with the budget recognizing that it is very early in the season to know exactly what the funds coming in will be with sponsors yet to be finalized. 

·      Budget for “Girls Night Out” will have to be increased if we hold 2 nights. Budget currently is only for 1 night.


4.    Calendar of Events & Ladies Section Fee - Norma Jean King & Natalie Moffatt

·      Norma Jean reviewed calendar of events.

·      Kyle will send Gloria the calendar to be posted on Ladies Blog.

·      Discussion took place regarding making the Ladies Section Fee “mandatory”. The Board was consulted and they stated we could not make it mandatory however it is up to the Executive Committee to determine how they structure their fees and the amounts charged to Ladies Section Members. 

·      Norma Jean will send out an email to the members who opted out of the Ladies Section Fee in order to outline what activities are included in that fee and encourage them to participate.

·      As the number of sponsors for the Ladies Section is not finalized, the committee agreed to re-visit the idea of increasing the fee before the end of April. If we get sufficient number of sponsors we may not have to increase the fee.



5.    2022 Sponsorship - Ashley Scholz

·      Ashley presented a new plan for obtaining and retaining current and new sponsors for the Ladies Section. There will be 5 levels of sponsorship available.

Presenting Partner (highest level), Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. 

·      Committee voted in favor of this plan.

·      Due to the increase in costs across the board the committee voted to increase the base Sponsorship to $400.

·      Sponsors are allocated to the different levels based on their $ contributions and each level offers different perks for being a sponsor.

·      Ashley will be contacting and finalizing the list of sponsors by end of April and is hoping for at least 8 sponsors.

·      The committee was asked to provide any additional businesses or people that we think would be interested in being sponsors.

·      Ashley also presented the idea of having sponsors based on what they can provide from their business in way of goods & services:

o   Food & Beverage Sponsor

o   Apparel Sponsor

o   Golf Equipment Sponsor

·      Ladies Section Sponsors will be promoted throughout the season through The Club at North Halton’s Instagram account to provide further benefit to being a sponsor of our section. (Ladies Days, Opening, Closing, Tournaments etc.)


6.    Ladies Opening - Theme Ideas & Budget -  Natalie Moffatt and Deanna Tallarico 

·      Deanna & Natalie asked for theme ideas for the opening event. It will be a shot-gun start with dinner (Covid Restrictions may change this). 

·      Themes were put forward – Fiesta Margaritas & Mulligans, Hawaiian Par-Tee, Back to the Future (use wooden golf club/golf attire from the past), Mar-Tee-Gras, Mad Hatter Tee PARty

·      Committee agreed that we would not ask people to decorate carts as this is costly and everything ends up in the garbage. If teams want to dress up in theme costumes they can but it will not be a requirement. New members will most likely not feel comfortable having to dress in costume for their first event and most likely will be paired with golfers they don’t know yet.

·      We will reintroduce the Captains Brunch this year.  All Ladies can sign up to join in for a fun brunch.  Former Captains will wear their captains jackets so they can be recognized. 


7.    Tuesday Game, Team Play, Draft Night & GNO -  Ronda Harris

·      Tuesday Draft Night will be brought back and will be held May 10 at 7:00 pm 

·      We will host a New members & Golf Buddies Meet & Greet beforehand to welcome the new members and give them a tour around the club and introduce them to staff and the other members.  Melanie Hewson, as New Member Coordinator, will head this up. New Members will be introduced to Ladies Section at Draft night and can join us for the draft.

·      Tuesday Game fees were discussed and committee voted in favor to increase Tuesday Game fee from $2.00 to $4.00. This increase is required as many times last season we had several occurrences where more than 1 person had a chip-in and the winnings split amongst the group was very small. With the increase in the weekly fee we will be able to also bring back “Closest to the Pin” and “Closest to “Fairah the Fox”.   

·      New Rule was voted on and passed - Ladies who do not pay the annual “Ladies Section Fee” of $75.00 will not be able to participate in the Tuesday Games.

·      “Toonie Tuesday” will now be renamed “Two Toonie Tuesday”

·      Tees will be blocked off for Ladies every Tuesday as follows:

o   9:00 to 9:50

o   1:30-2:30

o   4:00-5:20 (was 4:30 last season and Ronda asked Kyle to change it to 4:00 as several ladies want to start at 4:00 instead of 4:30)

·      Team Play fee will remain $25.00 per player and all of this money gets paid out to Team Play winnings.

·      We will be having 2 “Girls Night Out” events this season. A relaxing fun time to bring a friend out for a round of golf and dinner and maybe win a prize.

·      Sponsors for Tuesday Ladies Day will be promoted through North Halton’s Instagram account to provide further benefit to being a sponsor of our section.


8.    Ladies of Excellence - Norma Jean King    

·      Lady of Excellence will revert back to being presented at the Ladies Opening event. 

·      The executive committee put forward names that had been nominated by the ladies section members this fall.  Based on the current criteria for being selected as a “Lady of Excellence” the committee voted on the selection of the new 2022 Lady of Excellence.

·      Norma Jean will be notifying the person selected and she will be presented with this award at the Ladies Opening. 

·      As we have many new members who would not know most of the Ladies who could be nominated for this award and due to the very low response received for nominations last season, the committee has decided to align their selection process with the process the Men’s Section use.  The committee will nominate 


·      ladies that would qualify based on the criteria for Lady of Excellence and also vote on the selection of the recipient. The committee voted in favor of this change.


9.    Member Guest Tournament - Norma Jean King & Natalie Moffatt

·      This is a “new” competitive tournament on the calendar. 

·      This tournament will be for the members who want to bring a golfer-friend to play in a top notch “competitive” tournament.

·      Guests must have an accredited handicap through Golf Canada.

·      Handicaps will be capped at 36.  This does not preclude anyone with a handicap higher than 36, just that they will receive a max of 36 for their handicap.

·      Teams of 2

·      Proposed Entrance fee will be $230.00 per team of 2.

·      Fee will include breakfast, lunch, drink ticket, swag gift for each member and each guest, cart, green fees, prizes for first, second, third teams. Fee to be finalized closer to event.

·      Norma Jean suggested if NH lady members wanted to play but needed a guest we would reach out to our InterClub Golf Club affiliates to see if some of their members would like to participate.


10. Blog & Education  - Gloria

·      Gloria will be changing the distribution of the Ladies Blog to “direct email” as the company she was using for the server was very difficult to use and not great for members to access. 

·      Gloria will post “rules of golf” on the blog for members to access.


11. New Members - Golf Buddies / Melanie Hewson 

·      Melanie Hewson has 3 dates for New Member 9 dates to golf 9 holes with Golf Buddies.

·      This is intended for new members joining in 2022 season. 

·      Each NM9 will have “lesson of the day theme” to discuss the basics of golf and also to get the new members feeling comfortable on the course.

·      New members will be contacted by both Norma Jean & Melanie to welcome them.  Melanie will contact them for the New Member events and to match them with a Golf Buddy.

·      Melanie will continue to pass any New Member questionnaires & photos onto Gloria to post on the blog.


·      Deanna made a good point that as a newer member herself, it would be helpful to educate New Members about ‘on course’ etiquette.  There is a section about this in the Ladies Handbook but we will discuss how better to additionally share this information with newer members.

·      Norma Jean will be sending out a monthly newsletter which will include a section recruiting for golf buddies for the 2022 season.  They can respond to Melanie Hewson via email to sign up.


12. Information Night, Rules, Clinics - Norma Jean King / Cory (tabled for next meeting)


13. Interclub & Solheim Cup  - Donna Davey

·      No dates have been confirmed for Interclub events as of yet.

·      Donna will be coordinating any interclub event on behalf of North Halton

·      Donna will be the lead for the Paul Armstrong Solheim Cup.

·      Re: Solheim - Donna is going share with the committee the criteria for “captains” that was developed last season by the former Solheim Committee.

·      A request was made to Kyle about moving the start time from 1:00 to an earlier time (12:00) as this has been a complaint brought forward by the ladies playing in the event that it runs too late into the day (6:00 or later). Paul Armstrong always makes an effort to be at the 18th hole to present the trophy to the winning team so an earlier time for a finish would be appreciated on his behalf as well.


14. Field Day - Norma Jean King

·      Norma Jean is bringing back “Ladies Field days” event that had been done years back.

·      These will be on Wednesday’s. 

·      Goal of Field Day is fun and to mix up who you are playing with.  

·      Ladies sign up and Pro Shop will make the foursomes.

·      Each day will have a game attached.  We will meet after to announce the winners.  


                                                               Meeting Adjourned at 7:32 pm


Ladies Executive Meeting

November 25, 2021 –7 pm- Off-site Location 

Meeting called by

Norma Jean Borley-King

Type of meeting

Emergency Meeting 2021 


Norma Jean King

Note taker

Ronda Harris


Ronda Harris


Donna Lambert, Gloria Sinclair, Ronda Harris, Norma Jean King, Natalie Moffatt, Anneke Keenlyside, Kyle Stewart, Lori Madill





Agenda Items





Replacement of Charline as Captain due to her recent resignation of this position

1.     Norma Jean confirmed with Kyle that the fact that she was nominated and voted in as Vice Captain for 2022 season she would be able to step up to the Captain position to replace Charline. Committee members agreed with this action.

2.     Vice Captain position is now open. Kyle will send out an email to the Ladies Section to ask for nominations for Vice Captain. Natalie Moffat disclosed that she is nominating herself for Vice Captain.

3.     Kyle is to include criteria for Vice Captain as follows: 

-this is a 2 year position as Vice and 2 year position as Captain (total 4 year commitment)

-it is preferred that the person nominated has had previous experience sitting on an executive committee either at North Halton or another golf course.

-can meet with committee on a regular basis throughout the year (not just when course is open)

4.     Dates for email to go out: November 29

5.     Deadline for responses: December 6

6.     Survey to members to vote if more than 1 nomination is received: December 8

7.     Deadline for survey to return : December 17

8.     Kyle will include the following in his email :

-Sponsorship position is open

-Ladies of Excellence nominations required




Nominations for Ladies of Excellence Award

1.     It was agreed that the Ladies of Excellence award presentation will be done at the Ladies Opening Event instead of the Ladies Closing Event for 2022 season.

2.     Kyle is to include the criteria for Ladies of Excellence in his email (see blog for criteria)


Open Positions remaining on the Ladies Executive Committee as of November 25, 2021

1)     Vice Captain

2)     Sponsorship

3)     Tuesday Team Play Coordinator- If Natalie takes Vice Captain this will be open (Ronda offered to take this on if no one else is nominated)





Other Topics Brought Forward 

1.     Kyle has heard from a new member that he would like to sponsor the Ladies Section. His name is Joshua Reyce and he is the owner of “Silverwood Kitchens”. Kyle will provide his contact info to Norma Jean for follow-up. 

2.     Judy Lindenbach has offered to send an email to the sponsors we had as of 2019 to solicit sponsorship funds for 2022 season. Judy has stepped down from the executive and is leaving the club as they are relocating in Ontario but will send this email out before she leaves. Thank you Judy!

3.     Donna Lambert is relocating and leaving the club therefore Donna will not continue as out-going Captain for 2022. Thank you Donna!

4.     Next meeting with new executive members will be January 19, 2022. Meeting confirmation and Agenda to follow from Norma Jean.



Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm.






Ladies Executive Meeting

October 4, 2021 – 6pm - The Club Dining Room 

Meeting called by Donna Lambert 

Type of meeting Final Meeting for 2021 

Facilitator Donna & Charline

Note taker Ronda Harris

Timekeeper Charline


Donna, Charline, Gloria, Ronda, Norma Jean, Natalie, Anneke, Kyle


 Judy, Lori, Robin, Michelle

Agenda Items


Approval of Minutes from Meeting on September 13, 2021.

  1. Minutes approved by all.

Nominations for Ladies of Excellence Award

  1. Due to the fact that we received very few nominations for the “Ladies of Excellence”award at the closing dinner, we will extend the nomination process to spring of 2022.
  2. Donna L will send an email in November requesting nominations to be sent in.
  3. It was agreed that the Ladies of Excellence award presentation will be done at the Ladies Opening Event instead of the Ladies Closing Event for 2022 season.

Open Positions on the Ladies Executive Committee

  1. Vice-Captain- Norma Jean King was nominated and has accepted 

New Member Liaison- Melanie Hewson was nominated and has accepted 

Interclub Coordinator- No nominations were received

Entertainment Coordinator-Deana Tolfa-Tallarico was nominated and has accepted

Sponsorship Coordinator- No nominations were received 

Assistant Photography & Social Media Coordinator-No nominations were received

  1. Committee members are going to reach out to a few individuals to see if they are interested in the roles that are still open.
  2. Donna L will send her final year-end communication to the Ladies Section in November and this will include the new Ladies Executive for 2022 and also any positions that remain open for volunteers.

Review of Final 2021 Financial Statement

  1. Final 2021 Financial Statement was provided to the committee by Lori. 
  2. It was agreed by the committee that members who do not agree to pay $75.00 fee each year (that goes to support the Ladies Section activities) would no longer be able to attend any of the various events throughout the season unless they pay the $75.00 fee. 
  3. It was suggested that the $75.00 be increased to $80.00 to offset the rising costs of holding these events. 
  4. Anneke and Kyle will also emphasize the importance of the $75.00 fee to any new members joining so they have a full understanding of the benefits to support the Ladies Section and also the benefits of having the option to attend the events throughout the season.
  5. Donna L. will send out an email to the Ladies Section with the final financial statement once all bills have been received and posted by the office.

Other Topics Brought Forward 

  1. Charline and Norma Jean are going to review the sponsorship criteria levels that were developed 2 years ago as sponsorship requests were put on hold due to Covid19. They will also review the existing list of sponsors and update it if needed.
  2. Raffle & Fundraiser- Charline suggested that Kyle invite the Director of the Women’s Shelter in Milton to present the funds that were donated by our members during the Closing events.
  3. Kyle will send out the calendar of dates for 2022 for planning purposes for the committee.
  4. Charline suggested that next year we do a draw for one charity, from a pool of our favorite charities, and focus on a fundraiser for that particular charity.
  5. Daiga Zelek has located the pins that she had for marking golf milestones. Donna L. will put the pins in the Ladies Locker room.
  6. Committee agreed to re-evaluate and possibly change the “Tooney Tuesday” cost and eligibility to participate in the games. If changes are made, the Ladies Section Handbook will have to be updated to reflect the changes.
  7. Sadly, the committee was notified of the recent passing of Audrey Houston-former golf member, Captain and Ladies of Excellence Award Winner. Ronda will notify the office to send a donation to the Georgetown Hospital Foundation as per Audrey’s  family request on behalf of the Ladies Section. 

Meeting adjourned 7:10 pm.



2021 Ladies Executive Meeting Summary


Date: Thursday, July 8, 2021 


Time: 6:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 PM  


Donna Lambert-Captain

Charline Morris-Vice-Captain

Gloria Sinclair-Education

Lori Madill-Treasurer

Natalie Moffatt-Team Play Coordinator

Norma Jean King-New Members & Interclub

  Robin Coulson-Entertainment

  Ronda Harris-Secretary



Judy Lindenbach-Sponsorship

  Anneke Keenleyside-Board of Directors Representative

  Michelle Welton-Pro Shop Coordinator



1)     2021 Budget Review as of June 30, 2021


              Lori Madill provided a review of the Budget remaining for the season as of June 30, 2021:


·       There are 10 female members who are not wanting to participate in the Ladies Section activities or events and therefore do not pay the $75.00 annual fee for the Ladies Section activities which leaves a deficit of $750.00 in potential fees to the Ladies Section budget.

·       The amount of funds left at the end of the year (based on our current list of events to be completed by year-end) is $497.92 which is very low compared to previous years.

·       There is no current budget for the “Girls Night Out” day.

·       There is a budget to buy 4 shirts for the GTA Solheim Team of $240.00


              Discussion points and decisions made by the committee are as follows:


·       Who is responsible for advising the new members of what is covered under the $75.00 Ladies Section fee? Donna will investigate how new members are being advised of what the $75.00 fee covers.

·       Put information regarding the $75.00 fee in the “Ladies Section Member Handbook” so they are aware of what activities are covered by that fee. No need to go into a lot of detail but explain the major events for the Ladies Section are covered by this fee.

·       Consider increasing this fee by $5.00 next season as it has been the same for many years and the costs of the events have increased.

·       Approaching sponsors for smaller donations for the rest of the season for “Tuesday Team Play” and “Girls Night Out” event was discussed at length and there were pro’s & con’s considered. There was a suggestion for the committee to vote on this question as it was not unanimous that the committee agreed. After reviewing the budget requirements with Natalie for “Girls Night Out” it was determined that we would not have to go to sponsors for support this year.

·       “Girls Night Out” event will have reduced Green fees for guests – previous years it was $69.00 for 9 holes and $78.00 for 18 holes. Natalie to confirm the green fees with Cory.

·       Date for “Girls Night Out” is August 17 and a rain date will be August 24.

·       Natalie has offered to sponsor the “Girls Night Out” by supplying goodies from Menchies and a few small prizes.

·       Ronda suggested that they sell Mulligans to the Guests at the “Girls Night Out” as a way to support the event financially. This was successful that the last Member Guest Event held a few years back. 

·       Gloria suggested that if we do sell Mulligans at $5.00 for 3 Mulligans, most clubs who have member guest events do not expect the Guest to have to pay for anything at the club while they are there. Everything should be combined in the total fees to the Guest so the Guest does not have to carry cash with them. Increase the total fee for Guest by $5.00 for 3 Mulligans. The members who bring guests will not be allowed to buy or use Mulligans as this is also Tuesday Team Play so their scores cannot be influenced by Mulligans.

·       “Paul Armstrong Ladies Solheim Cup” is currently being planned by the sub-committee-Ronda Harris, Colleen Peters and Donna Davey. Ronda gave an update regarding the number of players this year has been increased by 1 team of 4. Total is now 28 players. Budget is set at $1,000.00 from the Ladies Section and is accurate regarding the expenses projected and there will not be a surplus in the budget. Paul Armstrong once again is providing a donation of $500.00 for the Ladies Section and also paying for the food and beverage for the day which will be approximately $1,100.00. Norma Jean asked if we could provide a picture of Paul so the newer members would know what he looked like and could approach him at the club to thank him for his generous support. Ronda asked Gloria to provide a picture of Paul from past Solheim’s and it will be included going forward in our emails to the Solheim team and also will be posted on the bulletin board in the Ladies Locker Room. Ronda, Colleen and Donna are taking Paul out for Lunch at the Club Tuesday July 20th as we have done in the past as a “thank you” gesture and also because he likes to be a little involved in the final plans for the event. The Sub-committee will also present Paul with a gift certificate as a “thank you” at the event.

·       GTA Solheim Event- Toronto Golf Course-Monday August 23-Patty Hall is the organizer for North Halton and is currently recruiting a team of 4 players. The event requires teams to have matching shirts with matching bottoms. The budget currently was $240.00 for the shirts. The committee discussed how to lower the cost of the shirts and came up with two suggestions:

o   Plan A- ask the pro-shop to sponsor the shirts as the ladies are representing our club

o   Plan B- the cost to the players currently is $125.00 each includes green fees, meals, gift and shirt but does not include the cost of the cart which is extra. Add an additional fee of $25.00 to cover the cost of the shirts to be included. Suggested it would come to $150.00 all in. This would allow the budget for shirts to be reduced to $140.00 from original $240.00.

·       Plaque & pictures for Audrey Houston and Marg Gage as our Ladies of Excellence Awards needs to be engraved. The club is to do the engraving.


2021 North Halton Calendar of Events Remaining


·       July 24-25 - Senior Club Championship 

·       July 31 - August 2 - Club Championship

·       August 14 – Paul Armstrong Ladies Solheim 

·       August 17- Girls Night Out Evening

·       August 23- Ladies GTA Solheim at Toronto Club

·       August 25 - Devil's Tournament  

·       September 18 - Mixed Closing  

·       September 25 - Ladies Closing

·       October 2 - Men’s Closing


2021 Ladies Executive Meeting Summary 


Date: Tuesday, March 9, 2021  


Time: 6:30 p.m. – Via Zoom  


Donna Lambert-Captain 

Donna Davey-Vice-Captain 

Lori Madill-Treasurer 

Judy Lindenbach-Sponsorship 

Natalie Moffatt-Team Play Coordinator 

Norma Jean King-New Members & Interclub

  Robin Coulson-Entertainment 

  Charline Morris-Former Captain 

  Ronda Harris-Secretary 

  Gloria Sinclair-Education 

  Anneke Keenleyside-Board of Directors Representative 

  Cory McLaughlin-Pro shop Manager 

  Michelle Welton-Pro Shop Coordinator  

  Kyle Stewart-General Manager 



1) 2021 Budget | Club C and Match Play Payouts


Review of the Budget for 2021 and outcome of discussion regarding increasing payouts for events: 

              Increase to payouts for the follow

             Club C Championship Flight & Seniors Club C Championship Flight 

             First Place – from $125.00 increase to $150.00 

             Second Place- from $60.00 to $100.00

             All other flights:  Club C- A, B, C, D /Seniors Club C- A, B, C 

             First Place- from $60.00 increase to $75.00 

             Second Place- from $30.00 increase to $50.00

             Match Play 

             Single & Doubles Match Play (Each member of doubles match team will get full payout) 

             First Place - $100.00 

             Second Place- $50.00

             Putting Match Play 

             First Place- $100.00 

    Second Place - $50.00 


    Tuesday Team Play 

             Increase fee from $20.00 to $25.00 


2)     Sponsors


Due to Covid-19 significantly impacting local retailers and businesses, it was decided that the Ladies Executive would not solicit Sponsors for support this year. It will be revisited in spring of 2022. 


 3)     Ladies Events


a) Ladies Opening: 


-Opening Event will be May 8th.  

-Currently have 84 members who are wanting to participate in the ladies events. 

-Ladies can sign up as individuals or as teams of 2. Pro shop will put in teams of 4. 

-Information Night” will not be held in person but we may be able to do it virtually 

-It was also suggested that we make a point of paying honour to remember members who have passed during the last year and Kyle says they do that at the AGM meeting and can incorporate it into the Ladies Opening Event. 


Suggestions were provided for themes for Opening and Closing events.   

Robin will provide an update on the theme chosen for the Opening Event with further details. 

 “Garden Party” 

“There’s No Place Like Home” 

“Cabin Fever” 

“Fantasy Island”- Fantasy Destination theme. 


     b)   Ladies Team Play: 

-Email to go out to members for sign up before Ladies Opening Event May 8th

-Cory will do the draft for Team Play on same day as Ladies Opening Event May 8th and will have the teams picked by the end of the day for all to view. Cory will also choose the Captains of each Team by random selection process. 

-Team Play will start the week after Ladies Opening Event – start date Tuesday, May 11th -Single, Double and Putting Match Play will be available for sign up in same electronic format as last year. 


c)  Solheim  

-Solheim has now been renamed “Paul Armstrong Solheim Tournament”

-Due to Covid-19 the Ladies Executive will not be asking Paul Armstrong for Sponsorship this year. We thank Paul as he has been an amazing supporter and sole sponsor of this event for many years.  

-Date for this year’s event will be August 14th

-Ronda Harris and Colleen Peters and Donna Davey will be the organizers of this event. -Ronda to confirm budget for this event with Lori and Donna as there will not be any funds coming from our Sponsor Paul Armstrong. 


 d)  GTA Solheim- Cancelled for this year due to Covid 19 Restrictions

 e)  InterClubs-Cancelled for this year due to Covid 19 Restrictions



        4. 2021 Lady of Excellence Recipient


    -Discussion regarding qualifications for nominees stating that they are still an active golf member?                                       This is not clear in the current qualifications. It was agreed by all that the nominee does not have to be         a “current” golf member as many of the ladies that were former captains and gave much of their time to support the ladies section are no longer able to golf and no longer golf members but should still be recognized for their hard work and support over the years that they were golf member 

-Gloria nominated Marg Gage to receive the Lady of Excellence Award for 2021.  

-Committee agreed that Marg Gage would be an excellent choice. 

-The Lady of Excellence ceremony will be held in the fall of 2021 hoping the Covid-19 restrictions will be fewer by then. 

-Ballots for nomination can be done electronically through Golf Genius, Charline and Donna D. offered to call the Ladies who would not have access to electronic ballots for their nominations. 


5.     Birdies and Ringer Board


-Cory can pull the reports from Golf Canada to determine Ringers and Birdies but the members have to input their golf scores “hole by hole” so he can pull the data. 

-prizes will be awarded at Ladies Closing Event for Major Milestones, Most Birdies and Most improved. 


6.     New Membership


-Norma Jean will be running the “buddy system” for new members and is asking for people to volunteer to be a “buddy”. We currently have 6 new members.  

-Norma Jean will also organize a “new member 9 hole” game for new members to play together with 1 veteran buddy member per team of 4. This event will run once a month for June/July & August. This is a great way for new members to meet people and maybe pick up a few course management tips from the veteran buddies. 

-New members list for buddy system will also include members who joined previous year as they may have joined late in the season. 

-Norma Jean is updating the “Ladies Section Handbook” and Kyle will help her update it with member information. This handbook will be put on the “Ladies Blog” for electronic access to Ladies membership. 


7.     Club Championship


-It has been suggested over many years that there be a “cut” after the second round of golf for Club C for the ladies.  

-it has been voiced that low participation may be due to the commitment of playing golf for 3 days and if the member is not in contention for finishing well, they may want to be cut for the 3rd round. 

-Cory has suggested that there be a “cut” and it will be based on the following: 

     After the second round of play in the championship tournament, each flight will be cut to the top 3 and ties plus, anyone within 10 shots of the lead


-Ladies Executive committee agreed to have a “cut” after the second day of golf for this year’s Club C Event.           



 7.     Open Executive Positions


-Gloria Sinclair has been our Photographer and Coordinator of the Photos for the Ladies 

Membership for many years. Part of this role is to develop the photos hard copy and place them in a binder for safe keeping and post the photos on the Ladies Blog electronic site. 

Gloria will still be taking fantastic photos on our behalf but is requesting to pass the baton on to a member who would be interested in managing the photography coordination for the Ladies Blog and also develop photos to hard copies to be kept for the Club records. Please contact Gloria or Donna Lambert if you are interested or know of someone that may be interested in taking this over. 


-Regretfully, Donna Davey has announced that she will be stepping down as Vice-Captain due to family responsibilities. As a result, she will not be taking on the position as Captain for the 2022 Ladies Executive.  

-Charline Morris has volunteered and been appointed to replace Donna Davey as Vice-Captain for 2021. Charline is very familiar with this role as she was Vice-Captain in 2016/2017 and Captain in 2018/2019. 


Meeting Adjourned 8:45 pm 


2021 North Halton Calendar of 



       April 26 - Course Open  

       May 1 - Men's Opening  

       May 8 - Ladies Opening  

       May 15 - Mixed Opening  

       July 17 - Langdon Cup

       July 24-25 - Senior Club Championship  

       July 31 - August 2 - Club Championship 

       August 14 – Ladies Paul Armstrong Solheim  

       August 25 - Devil's Tournament   

       September 18 - Mixed Closing   

       September 25 - Ladies Closing

       October 2 - Men’s Closing