Friday, October 21, 2022

                     North Halton Women’s Section

2022 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda


Thursday October 13, 2022 - 5PM North Halton Board Room



Norma Jean King, Natalie Moffatt, Ronda Harris, Gloria Sinclair, Melanie Hewson, Donna Davey,  Ashley Scholz, Deanna Tallarico, Anneke Keenleyside, Kyle Stewart, Brenden Geim, Kyle Sokolowski, Nick D’Ovidio, Lori Madill - virtually


Regrets:  Nick D’Ovidio, Natalie Moffatt, Gloria Sinclair, Donna Davey, Brendan Geim,




1.     Current Season Ending Financials - Lori 


    Lori provided an update on the financials. There are a few items that have not come through at the time of the meeting.

    Women’s Section will carry over approx. $2,400 into the next season.

    Budget to be posted on the Blog once all charges been applied.



2.     Year in review:  Highlights & Improvements for 2023


        Ronda Harris - Tuesday Team Play & Girls Night Out


    Two Thirds of the Women’s Section participated in Team Play (61 players)

    Increased fee of $4.00 for the Two Toonie Games allowed for increased payouts for prizes and more prizing each week.  

    Team Play fee allowed for 4 teams to be prized out at the end of the season versus previously three teams.

    Draft Night will be held early May, 2023.  Teams will be finalized shortly after Women’s Opening with the exception of new members

    Draft Night will be at 7:30 instead of 7:00 to allow new members to join after New Member Meet & Greet.

    Ronda to do up a flyer explaining how Two Toonie Tuesday & Team Play works.

    Norma jean suggested we could also send this out pre-season in an email communication.

    Lockers will be provided to store the sponsors prizes for easier access. Ensure all prizes are available from sponsors at the start of Women’s Tuesday Play.

    Girls Night Out- 2 events were held with large participation of members and guests (first event-27 guests & second event- 36 guests)

    Next season add a third GNO (June, August & Sept)

    Club benefited from additional revenue with 63 guests paying green fees, carts, food & Beverage and Pros hop purchases made at GNO events.

    Ronda asked for an Increase budget for prizes for 3 GNO events.




        Melanie Hewson - New Member Program

    Good participation with new members and buddies.

    NM9 in August was pushed out later in the month to encourage participation in Women’s Closing.

    Combining the new member Meet & Greet with the Tuesday Team Play Draft night worked well to encourage and introduce the new members to the Women’s Section Members.  

    Melanie asked for an Increase in budget New Member Program for New Member Welcome gifts and prizes for NM9 events.

    Anneke suggested we have pics of the executive on the bulletin board next season.



        Deanna Tallarico & Natalie Moffat - Opening / Closing

    Opening & Closing Events were well attended. 

    Themes and decorating were fun and tastefully done. 

    Lindsey (F&B manager) was very eager to help with the set-up and Deanna provided instructions and all was executed to plan.

    Opening had the large world map which was used to take photos. Feedback is to continue to have a themed backdrop area to take team photos for opening and closing events.

    Deanna purchased some decor items that can be re-used at other events.

    Plan is to pick the themes earlier to allow for items to be purchases earlier as supply chain issues still exist. The executive committee will provide ideas and favorite themes to Deanna and Natalie.

    Deanna requested that Club provide some storage space to store totes with event items.  Kyle to check with Donnie about storage space.

    Sponsor reception at Closing was a great idea.  Would like to continue this at Opening.


        Norma Jean King - Member Guest / Field Days / Membership Overview

    We had 94 out of 106 golfers participate in events this season.

    Kyle Stewart said he wants to do up a flyer to give to new female members to lay out all that Women’s Participation fee includes.

    Member Guest Event was very successful with large participation. 

    Member Guest Tourney had 26 teams of 2 = 52 players in all.  Good result for the first competitive Member Guest event where a handicap was required for all players to compete.

    Anneke hi lighted that everyone appreciated all the little touches to make their experience a memorable one (meet the guests as they drive in, lockers assigned for guests, tables set up on the balcony etc.)

    NJ suggested the need for appetizers next season prior to lunch and drinks to greet players as they come in off the course. 

    NJ advised the cost will be increased for next year to help offset these additions and also asked for an increase in the budget to accommodate the appetizers and drinks.  Will get pricing from Nick to determine these figures.

    Field Days were very successful. Great opportunity to meet and play with other members. Continue with that format. 



        Melanie Hewson – Handicap

    Some feedback from members was the way in which the Handicap rules were enforced and handled by the Handicap Committee caused embarrassment and stress for some by sending the emails to all members. Could this have been handled with more discretion?

    The handicap committee is working with Club to get a new system in place to track handicaps which will eliminate the issues that we currently have.


        Ashley Scholz – Sponsorship

    Executive Committee recognized the wonderful work Ashley has done to encourage sponsorship of our section. 

    The sponsorship program has allowed the Women’s Section to improve on every event held this season by way of adding new events and adding more prizes and prize money.

    Ashley is currently working on the sponsorship program to make it even better for next season.


         NJ on behalf of Donna Davey - InterClub & Solheim

    Interclub went well.  Looking for a 4th club to participate for next season. Kyle Stewart will work with pros from the three other clubs to approach some other clubs to get a commitment for next season.  Ideally Devils Pulpit.  Kyle also mentioned Burlington.

    Solheim was a great success. Everyone loved the Shirts.

    Food & Drink sponsored by Paul Armstrong was very much appreciated.


  NJ on behalf of Gloria Sinclair - Blog & Photograph capture

    Melissa Muirhead is taking over the Blog 

    Darlene Pope is taking over the photography as Elaine Turkington is stepping down.  Thank you to Elaine.

    Kyle suggested instead of printing all the pictures, they can be kept on USB key and can be put on a reel and viewed on the TV in Women’s Locker room. 

    End of Season Digital Book can be put together with all pictures from the season.

    Gloria has done an exceptional job over the years with the blog and photography… Thank you Gloria, we will miss you on the committee!




3.     Review of 2022 Club Championship Flighting - Kyle Stewart / Norma jean King


    Requested changes in how flights are determined for competitive events

    Each flight should have a minimum of 2 players in it, including championship flight

    Suggest we add a “9 hole -Green Tee” flight for Women who are not comfortable or ready to play in the regular Club C flights. Ensure this flight ends on the real 18th hole not 9th hole as coming over the pond can be extremely intimidating & stressful for most members during Club C.

    Suggest to have a “handicap free” event to encourage members who are intimidated to play in handicapped events due to their high handicap number.  Melanie shared about a Solheim that she plays in annually at another club and there is no handicap required.



4.     Membership Survey - Timeline / Goals - Norma Jean King


    Survey to Women’s Section will go out to gain insight on how we can improve in all areas of the Women’s Section.

    Gill Moore has offered to assist in putting the survey together once we provide the questions



5.     2023 Woman of Excellence - Nominations / Voted on in early 2023


    Will be discussed at next meeting in new year.


6.     Ongoing Initiatives:  Succession Planning / Fundraising Initiative with Townsend Foundation


    Will be discussed at next meeting in the new year.


7.     New Business


    Executive Committee will buy a “Brick” for the “Clock” for the “Women’s Section 2022”

    Karen Watts will be taking over the Secretary Position from Ronda.

    NJ introduced us doing a Mystery Golf Day where women of North Halton would sign up and travel to another private club to play and enjoy lunch.  Kyle Stewart & Kyle Soko are going to start working on this.




Meeting Adjourned at 7:05pm.